
9:16 a.m.

i dreamt they met and became friends last night...it was surreal. well, i guess dreams usually are....

I'm renigging my last entry. I really just dont care anymore, lol. i WANT to, but i'm not putting mysef through it. mind over matter.

and i hope at least a freindship comes from the other stuff: i dont think there's any doubt about how much i like him: he's just so fucking GOOD.... i was talking to mike last night and he was asking me again why i just didnt go for it, throw caution to the wind.... i told him my caution too frequently resembles spit. so no, i'm not gunning for anything. i kinda like the suspense of taking it easy.

and with that, i'm nixing boys from the brain for awhile. i'm liking my star wars video games and books on visual intellegence way too much to brood over the other shit.

P.S. You guys hit a plateau. as of right now, the diary has been viewed 10,057 times....DAMN.

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