
2:28 p.m.


be forewarned! this is not an actual post, i just didn't want that last post to be the post you see everytime you hit the page.....

HAPPY notes, dammit!

*drum roll*...



his answering machine kicks ass. i'm sure it didn't make me sound any less doofy then usual, but it still kicks ass. :)

and i'm studying, studying, studying, looking at porn on the web, studying, studying.....

AMEND2: (FROM THE LAST POST) sorry to the offended ones for getting so bent about the whole reading thing -- i've been on the defensive in a big way since january. it really WASN'T to slander or make look bad (if anything, it only made ME look like a fucking idiot.... ). i was honestly just trying to prove the point that the conversation took a turn in a direction i hadn't wanted it to go. it ALWAYS went there with us. i was trying to illustrate that, and discern wether or not i had a right to be mad...(sigh) i'm DEFINITLY not discouraging criticsim: i mean, thats what its up there for, and that's what i want... i keep this fucking thing to try and hash things out: if it WEREN'T for the criticism and (other) feedback, updating would be pointless (for me)....

anyway, this time i'm REALLY signing off for awhile. think all my bases are officially covered....

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