
4:32 p.m.


well, we're here in arizona, and it's beeeutiful. having roomies is different, and difficult, but i think it'll grow on me. its nice to have people around, i guess, and a bedroom with a lock to escape from those people. not that i don't love them, mind you, but alone time is golden.

and dude, how badly do i want to kiss mungo? but, lemme tell ya, it's NEVER gonna happen. talk about needing to move on...

so it's been another seattle day -- the fight or flight reflex has kicked in and i feel the desperate urge to move. i dunno why it's been so strong lately, especially considered i just drove cross country last week. you'd think that would be enough. but no. not with me. go go go, get out, somethings not right and you HAVE to run from it. man, i need to get over that.

and do i know whats not right? of course i do, and its not even a big deal. but it potentially could be, and i dont want to deal with it.

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